6 rules only successful people follow

6 rules only successful people follow
1. Stop dreaming and start thinking.
People often get trapped in their own dreams, thinking only about results and benefits of their opportunities. Successful people don’t dream, they visualize and execute. They don’t think about ultimate results or final destinations, they think about small steps that will take them there. Stop focusing on your finish line and focus on your race!
2. You only live once.
This is something that every person on this planet knows, but only 1% truly understands it. You have two choices in life. You can either live your dreams or help other people live theirs. Great people are not interested to be equal with others, they are determined to be intellectually and physically superior. Learn, read, train, practice and research, it’s all you need to become great.
3. Time is money, don’t waste it.
Yes, it’s true, time is money! As you are reading this, somebody out there is making millions. Successful people are! They invest their time professionally. Every minute you spend doing nothing is a minute that could change your life. Organize your time and consider every second as any other valuable investment. Ideas create legends and they are born in minutes.
4. If you want to live differently, be different.
Everybody wants to live differently, but no one is ready to be different. This planet is one huge market full of talented professionals that are competing with you to become successful. You need to be better, faster, smarter and tougher to beat them. You need to stand out from the crowd. Successful people are not trying to invest their time into personal improvement equally, they are determined to become leading investors. The choice is yours. Follow others and become equal or follow yourself and become unique!
5. Respect is earned, it’s not given.
Promotion is very important part of every success story. People are promoted as well. It’s called reputation. Successful people are not loners, they are team players. They define themselves by supporting others. If you respect your teammates, they will respect you. If they respect you, they will respect your motivation for success. Once they respect your motivation for success, they will help you become successful. Treat others as you would want them to treat you!
6. Dominate your body to master your mind.
Successful people are business athletes. They run, jump, fly and swing 24 hours a day. They always have multiple ideas in the air and they juggle them effortlessly. They are passionate and insanely productive. In order to be completely focused, you need to get in shape. Success is a long and challenging race and only disciplined professionals will make it to the finish line. Survival of the fittest!


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