Global support...
Dear Sir/ Ma’am, Subject—“Seeking strong protections, safety, supports and concrete actions as JUSTICE.” Against AMRENDRA CHOUDHARY AND SUPPORTERS.... “Charges of-------------from [1] to [11] mentioned below on AMRENDRA CHOUDHARY, RAJESH SINGH [Bodyguard of someone], SUPPORTERS, and Rupaspur Police Station, Patna- 801503, Bihar, India, etc. From the victim. .... Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a Living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include Aging, predation, malnutrition, disease, suicide, homicide, starvation, Dehydration, and accidents or major trauma resulting in terminal injury. And, AMRENDRA CHOUDHARY and his SUPPORTERS are creating all sorts of Situations and attempting to do all these things and incidents...Please understand the whole situations... [Note--- If any mishappening occurs with me [the victim] then please take these people into considerations and take concrete and drastic steps to punish them ...